Bad Fitness Advice | Common Fitness Tips To Ignore

If you are looking into walking into a fitness journey, I am sure that at one point, you have been advised on what to do or not do in your fitness journey. Some of this advice people give might need to be more accurate, and if you take it, you might experience a rough fitness journey that might not benefit you.

You must do your research thoroughly to avoid getting misinformation on fitness. Surprisingly, some advice can come from fitness trainers and sometimes social media. Here is some lousy fitness advice you should refrain from listening to and following.

No Pain, No Gain

Many people say this, but you don't have to experience pain to see good results. If anything, you must sweat a little by working out slowly and catching your breath after a few minutes.

Take time to let your muscles rest, and your body gains composure. Also, remember that following a good diet while working out slowly will help you achieve better workout results than struggling too much.

Working out too much for too long can cause muscle soreness which can be painful, and the pain can slow you down since you might need a day or two to recover from the soreness.

This ends up preventing you from achieving your desired fitness goal. It is, therefore, essential that you avoid working out too much if you are looking to have a successful fitness journey.

Running Or Deep Squats Are Bad For Your Knees

Running is one of the best exercises since it helps in heart health and is a good form of keeping fit. Deep squats are also some of the best workouts, especially if you want better knee health.

But that is not to say they can sometimes be dangerous if not conducted properly. When doing deep squats, the knee and back tend to bend; if the exercise is not performed correctly, you might injure your back. It is essential that when you are doing deep squats, you take 2 minutes of rest after every set.

When it comes to running, like deep squats, it comes down to your form. Does the surface or your running trainers play a factor? Sure, but most knee injuries are more common when your body is being overused.

Fasting Before A Workout Burns More Fat

Working out requires a lot of strength and energy; doing that on an empty stomach can lead to bad health problems such as blood sugar. Many people say that working out on an empty stomach is good, but it will just break you and then build you.

Eating a healthy meal or drinking a healthy drink before working out will give you the energy needed to exercise. When your body does not have enough carbohydrates, it will lack the power to burn the fats during the day, leading to a slow fitness journey.

Heavyweights Will Cause Women To Get Too Bulky

Working with heavy weights for women naturally helps them burn fat faster than gaining weight. Men and women tend to have different bodies, and women can't get the same muscles as men while working out with heavy weights.

Most women benefit from working with heavy weights with stamina and improved brain function. Also, the hormones in women are very different from those in men, thus making the statement above false since a woman's body is not designed to be as masculine as that of men.

Weight Training To Muscle Failure

Training for muscle failure is where you select a weight that is heavy enough so that the last rep makes it difficult for you to complete it. This form of exercising is unnecessary and creates a lot of muscle tension which can be bad for muscle fitness.

This method can shut down your muscle fitness and make achieving the desired fitness goal difficult. It would help if you lifted weights that your body can handle at take rest after every set of exercises.


It is vital to do what feels right, listen and follow fitness advice that will build you instead of breaking you. If you are looking to have a successful fitness journey, it is vital that you do your research and get the correct information instead of following other people's advice. This even goes for this article, go forward and seek more information and build your knowledge as your build a healthier you!


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